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Welcome BBQ

Updated: Dec 1, 2020

First Three Connections event – tick! And it was a huge success. We took advantage of the fantastic weather and hung out in our huge outdoor space. With heaps of BBQ food to go around, we spent our evening playing those classic backyard games like Giant’s Treasure, Bang and a kick of the football. We also worked up a great sweat dancing to our favourite tunes – we have some true party-goers in our midst! We then moved inside for some well deserved chill-out time with some games and a movie.

We’d love to see more folks at our events coming up! Every participant is sure to know someone else there – we have friends coming from the Holmesglen community, the Ashwood community, DAAB community and the Burke and Beyond community. Make sure you’re staying up-to-date with our adventures on our social media pages and book into our events on our website!

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