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Starting Three Connections!

Updated: Nov 16, 2020

We’re finally here! Welcome everyone to our spectacular website designed by Abbey Richmond. And welcome to our blog! It’s here that we will be giving our community a deeper insight into our company and will keep you updated with all that’s happened at Three Connections.

It’s no doubt that the start of Three Connections was a rocky one – we had in fact aimed for an Open Day on July 24th! But with the unfortunate state that Melbourne was in, alas, we had to wait a little longer to start the party. Whilst it was a disappointing blow at first, it gave the team a chance to really consider our purpose and goals in starting this company. As mentioned on our ABOUT section, Three Connections is an exciting new venture that has been created out of an understanding of what our teens and young adults are looking for, where they can safely meet together and enjoy a social gathering designed with them in mind. We’re really excited to begin establishing our space and community.

D’Lene has been hard at work creating a thoroughly detailed Client Information Form for all our participants, ensuring that your safety is our priority. Jessica has been navigating herself around graphic design, creating some schmicko flyers and posters, as well as conjuring up ideas for our first few evenings together.

So here we are! Website up and running, social pages alive and well, Client Information Forms ready to distribute and plans for our time together in the space are most certainly underway. Make sure to like our page on Facebook, follow our page on Instagram and add this website to your Bookmarks to ensure you’re up to date with the latest news at Three Connections. We hope everyone has been staying safe and well, and we cannot wait to get your weekend plans sorted!

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