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May 2022 - MOVEMENT

As the weather grew colder, we tapped into the power of movement at Three Connections - moving our bodies, and moving our perspectives.

To begin the month, we had our 90s Dance Workout, which got everybody moving, and sweating! With our themed Dance Workout, everyone gets to pick their favourite song from that era (notable features were "Can't Touch This", "Livin' On A Prayer" and "Ice Ice Baby") Jess leads the group through the playlist, with each song tapping into one kind of movement: eg. "Livin' On A Prayer" was our boxing song! We then always conclude the workout with a dance circle where everyone can show off their fantastic moves and individuality. These Dance Workouts are super fun and super active. I wonder what music era we'll move to next...

The following week, we got our participants to move around the kitchen with our Indian Masterchef. Everybody at 3C has experienced a Masterchef or two by now, and they know that it requires teamwork, concentration and creativity. The participants absolutely delivered in all three, and created a spectacular Butter Chicken Curry with rice! And the best part, they couldn't get enough of the curry!

Glen Johnson, a valued member of the 3C community, with the amazing help of Will, moved 10 of our lucky participants down to Phillip Island for our first ever Camp Kombined! 5 boys and 5 girls took to the coast for 2 days and 2 nights of fun activities and independent living practice. On Friday night, we were treated to delicious tacos, home made by Glen, and got to hang out altogether over dinner. The girls then went back to their house for a pyjama party, while the boys smashed through multiple games of pool and watched the footy. The following day, we visited Phillip Island Wildlife Park, which was an incredibly special experience! We got to go right up close to the animals, feed them and give them pats - how lucky! After a big walk through the park in the cold sunny air, 3C got their game on at the bowling alley, where Darcie, Brigette and Lily took out the top 3 spots! YTG (Yeah the girls!). As always, we hit the town on Saturday night for dinner, grabbing a big table at Pino's Trattoria. As this was election night, the conversation was intellectual and fruitful - we ended up each saying what we would do if we became Prime Minister. We have some very promising leaders in our midst! Everyone then moved back to the house to watch Hairspray - Lucas knows all the words, literally, all of them! To conclude our camp on Sunday morning, we all met up in town for a peruse around the Main St and practiced our ordering skills by getting ourselves a coffee. High-fives all round for the clear communication to the cashier! Then, we hopped back on the bus to head home. Each new program at Three Connections has been nothing but successful and Camp Kombined has now been added to that list. We're looking forward to bringing 10 more participants up to Phillip Island for Camp Kombined Round 2!

Whilst there were 10 participants at Camp Kombined, Conor and the crew lead our Board Game Night back at our centre, where participants moved around various boards with lots of laughs and problem-solving.

As everyone was starting to feel the winter chill come on, we thought it would be an opportune time to escape to the Greek Islands with our Mamma Mia Sing-a-long night! The sing-a-long night quickly turned into a sing-and-dance-a-long night, with every participant knowing all the words fluently, as per usual. Perhaps Three Connections should stage their own Mamma Mia musical... stay tuned!

Thanks to all the participants who moved with us in the month of May - moving brings us joy and keeps us healthy. Let's continue that through winter! I'd also like to take this time to welcome our new participants that moved into our centre this month - Anita and Ella! It's always a special time when we have new connections to make, and we hope they have been enjoying their time with us so far. See you in June!

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