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March 2022 - EXPLORATION

Updated: May 6, 2022

Things at 3C have really amped up this month with lots of our participants exploring different cultures from around the world and exploring different social opportunities in our community that we may not have been involved in before!

We began the month celebrating Chinese New Year - the Year of the Tiger! We had great fun investigating everyone's Chinese Zodiacs and deciphering whether there were accurate personality traits. Everyone dived hands first into the dumpling making activity (some participants are very keen to try this at home) and we created a platter full of delicious steamed dumplings that were literally gone in only a few minutes! We also attempted to write our names in Chinese characters and drew our Zodiac on a red Chinese banner which definitely put us ALL out of our comfort zones, but we came together at the end of the evening with some very ambiguous fortune cookies and a viewing of Mulan.

Speaking of getting out of our comfort zone... actually, I take this back! Everyone at Karaoke Night was right in their comfort zone! We have some true stars amongst us people - from Adam's funky Michael Jackson performances, to a heart warming rendition of "True Colours" by 3C's cutest couple Perri and Mitch, to Lucas' sassy and sultry performance of "Show Me How You Burlesque" to everyone joining in with Liv and Catherine for "Mamma Mia"! Karaoke Nights are always a hit at 3C, you can see the photos below that prove this, and if you're looking for some videos, head over to our Instagram @3connections.

To continue the theme of music, we had a night in to watch the hilarious Jack Black film, School of Rock. The movie nights at 3C gives everyone a chance to kick back with their friends and have some laughs to unwind at the end of the week.

There was a very special event this month - I had been away performing in "Just Macbeth", an Andy Griffith's re-telling of the well known Shakespeare tragedy, and a group of participants were able to attend the show in Eltham! It was a night out that was a bit different to our usual experiences, and it a bit different to our usual theatrical experiences! The participants were able to watch the play from the comfort of picnic rugs and blankets and with their own delicious snacks to enjoy. I'm truly thankful to the participants who came along to the show and I know for a fact that they enjoyed themselves... because I could hear them laughing from on-stage!

We explored another culture this month with our Hawaiian Night! It was flowers galore with everyone decked out in their colourful Hawaiian shirts (special shout out to Patty who managed to find a Richmond Football Club Hawaiian shirt!). The participants also got together to make Hawaiian Leis (the floral necklaces) out of colourful paper and straws - this is a super easy and fun activity that anyone can do at home to get those Hawaiian vibes going. And what would be more fitting than settling back with a viewing of Moana at the end of the night?

To finish off the month, we ran our second Day Out program and explored the Mornington Peninsula! The weather was completely on our side with the sun's rays beaming all day. First, the participants had a peaceful walk through Point Leo's Sculpture Park where many photos were taken of the spectacles that were on offer. It wouldn't be a beachside visit without a Fish and Chip lunch to fuel everyone up! The afternoon was then spent exploring all of the mazes, gardens, canopy walks and slides at Enchanted Adventure. This was the highlight of everyone's day as there was something new to do around every corner, not to mention, how beautiful the area was to walk through! We had some participants brave the big tube slides and the soaring heights in the canopy walk - it made everyone so exhausted that they were all SOUND asleep on the bus on the way home! I think that's the sign of a very successful day with our mates.

It has been a pleasure to do a bunch of exploring at Three Connections this month - exploring different cultures, places and activities. The participants are always so open minded to trying new things and getting out of their comfort zone in a place where they are forever welcomed and celebrated. Will you come and explore with us next month? It's never too late to join the fun! Head to the home page of our website and register now. And drag a friend along!

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