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Our title for this month really says it all - there was a lot of laughter in the Three Connections building in July, which is something you can't really get enough of, right? Especially in these times, as we still navigate through a pandemic as well as the cold weather, laughter is one of the best medicines.

Not surprisingly, a good handful of our Three Connections members swapped the Melbourne rain for sunnier skies, jet setting to sunny holiday destinations. But for the few of us still here, we gathered for a plan-free Friday with the intention to just hang! Lily brought a fantastic board-game for us to play called "5 second rule", where we had to come up with three answers to a question in under 5 seconds. This truly put the pressure on, and you know how pressure can make you say some crazy things! As crazy as they may be, they made everyone have a giggle or two. We then settled in for a viewing of The Bee Movie, a film made by a professor of laughter of course, Jerry Seinfeld!

The following week, we had a movie night that had been HIGHLY requested by many participants: Guardians of the Galaxy. If anyone out there has already seen this film, you'll know that it's an eclectic mix of action, sci-fi/fantasy, and of course, comedy! Our Marvel super-fans Caitlin and Perri had a great time reciting their favourite jokes as we were watching them, and everyone got a great big laugh. If you haven't seen this movie yet, do yourselves a favour! We're also pretty glad we can chill out on our huge 3C green couch and beanbags, check out this video below for the full view of chill out town!

After a few months of waiting, we finally got to take our participants to Rosa Mexicano, a wonderfully pink Mexican restaurant in the dining parade of Burwood Brickworks! Normally we would earn our dinner by making the walk over to Brickworks, but the weather finally beat us and we weren't keen to brave the chilly winds! It didn't matter once we were inside the warm, cosy, and spice filled restaurant. When 3C-ers dine out, they order their food entirely themselves and the waiters are super kind and helpful, Rosa Mexicano was no exception. We had great laughs about how squished we were at the table, ooh-ed and aah-ed at the infamous "Mexican Spider" drink, and chuckled over Patty who, whilst at a Mexican restaurant committed to ordering his favourite meal - a pork burger! Luckily, no one was overwhelmed by spicy wings this time. The participants also get an opportunity to practice their money skills on these nights out, and with a little help, they're able to have a rather independent night out on the town!

We have some pretty keen AFL fans at 3C - I'm sure everyone has seen Patty's Richmond Hawaiian shirt, or Ethan's Carlton golf polo, or Nick's Richmond jersey, or Anton's... well, he has ALL the jerseys! We celebrated our AFL pride this month by dressing up in our colours, scoffing down some hot meat pies, playing some kick in the back and watching the beginning of Richmond versus Fremantle, for all of our Richmond fans! When all the boys (and Lily!) get together, it's nothing but laughs, jokes and banter! This night also aligned perfectly with Anton's birthday, as he is a mad AFL fan (however, he detests Richmond, so maybe not so aligned!) We celebrated with some cake and a sing - we hope Anton had a great rest of his birthday weekend, party boy!

July ended on an absolute high with our Christmas in July event! Everyone sat down to a red and green decorated table for a roast chicken dinner, with potatoes and gravy of course! We all agreed it felt pretty lucky to be celebrating Christmas twice this year, and with our great 3C friends, who could ask for more? Except half the table asking for more roast chook! The participants had a great time laughing as I inadvertently flung food everywhere, trying to serve everyone in a hurry (it wasn't funny to clean up!). The laughter continued at the couches as everyone snuggled up for a viewing of Home Alone. There's too many funny moments in that movie to count, and it's still funny after the 33rd viewing!

It was great to have a big handful of participants together again this month after what have been some smaller numbers at our events. We love and appreciate anyone who walks through our doors, and are so continually grateful to people who choose to spend their Friday night with us. Maybe you have someone in mind who would love to join in on the laughter? Spread the message far and wide! We look forward to making new connections and strengthening our current ones.

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