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Emoji Party, Pizza Parade and Summer Games

January was packed with various nights at Three Connections with our Emoji Party up first! We put our crafty talents to use and brought to life our favourite Emojis. Despite the range of Emojis seen that day, there were many smiling faces among our crew.

Craft one week, cooking the next - we followed our Emoji Party with a Pizza Parade! All our participant’s came together as a team and prepared a wealth of ingredients for pizzas. Apparently, someone put dancing beans on the pizzas as our night turned into quite the dance party!

Our first attempt at our Summer Games Night happened this month, but due to weather, we switched to a Winter Movie Night, complete with making delicious smores! On our rescheduled Summer Games Night the weather was glorious! Many games were played including Volleyball, Quoits and even a Team Obstacle Course. Cristina was a pro at volleyball while Anton was our fastest obstacle course time – you should’ve seen him leap over all the obstacles! It was so wonderful to see everyone giving each game a go and laughing along the way.

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