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about us

At Three Connections, we are committed to providing opportunity for people of all abilities to connect through a safe, social and fun environment. We aim to be a place of friendship and independence in a community built on respect.

Three Connections is an exciting new venture that has been created out of an understanding of what our teens and young adults are looking for, where they can safely meet together and enjoy a social gathering designed with them in mind.

meet the team

D'Lene Johnson- Business Manager

D’Lene is an Educational Consultant and has worked in the Early Childhood field for over 30 years. She is the owner of the centre that Three Connections operates from and has a strong focus on relationships with families, service management, compliance and safety. D’Lene is the proud mother of Nicholas Johnson, who many would know from Ashwood school and now Holmesglen TAFE. Three Connections is an exciting new venture that has been created out of an understanding of what our teens and young adults are looking for, where they can safely meet together and enjoy a social gathering designed with them in mind. D’Lene looks forward to meeting and getting to know all of you!

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Jessica Raper - Program Coordinator

Jessica has worked extensively in the special needs community, teaching dance classes, social classes and ran a Public Transport and Streetwise Program through 2018/19. She is also currently a 1:1 support worker for many young adults in the Eastern Suburbs. Above all, she is the proud older sister of Mitchell Raper, a graduated Ashwood School student and current Holmesglen TAFE student. It is through her close relationship with Mitchell that Jessica is an expert at creating exciting and fun environments for special needs teens and young adults. Jessica is thrilled to be headlining this project and cannot wait to meet all the new friends of Three Connections!

and the rest of the crew

about the space

Three Connections operates from level one of Being3, a child care centre owned and operated by D’Lene. As you arrive you will be greeted by a wonderful open and relaxed space for friends to be together and a huge secure outdoor area for social gatherings and warm weather functions. The space is set up for young adults with facilities and resources at hand to promote independence and free choice. The centre is also located on the 75 tram line opening up to the possibility of outings as a part of the exciting program.

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